Who’ll Stop the Rain?

Clouds, clouds everywhere. It is typical in Western New York to feel a little gloomy during the winter. Where is that sun?? It is also typical to feel gloomy when your life enters a transition. Well, there’s gloomy and then there’s something deeper.

Depression isn’t the same for everyone. Why would I be diagnosed as having depression? Hey, I have an amazing life! People may ask what I have to be depressed about. Good question. People don’t always see what’s going on behind the scenes.

This is me being incredibly vulnerable and personal.

There have been 23 months since my last post. My grandson is nearly two now and a granddaughter was born just this month. Since March of 2021, there have been some incredible changes in my life. Some are amazing, some are downright crappy.

It has taken me this long to feel the urge to write. I am still struggling to put to words exactly how I am coping. Throughout the great quarantine of 2020 I accomplished some wonderful things. I found a purpose and I was able to find joy.

In 2021 we all hoped that our lives would become more “normal” and in ways it looked like we were all figuring out the “new normal.” We carried on and pushed through wearing masks and social distancing. All the while my sister and I continued to increase the care for my parents as they aged in place in their home. In 2022 we saw more and more activities returning to the way things were done pre-Covid days. At the same time, it was becoming more and more challenging for my sister and I to provide the quality of care my parents required. But my parents (mostly my father) were stubborn and wanted to remain independent, so we continued to persevere through difficult visits and increasing responsibilities.

Then double whammy. On Easter Sunday, both of my parents were hospitalized for non-life-threatening issues. This started a sequence of events that had my siblings and I place them in a nursing home. Both of my parents have different stages of dementia. It’s a deeply personal circumstance that I cannot really write further about but I’m sure anyone reading this understands how sad and painful this has been for our family.

Eventually we had to sell our parents’ home, my childhood home, the house that held all the memories for our family. There were many discussions on how we could keep the house in our family, but it wasn’t meant to be. Watching all their possessions leaving the house was truly heartbreaking. I do believe all this pushed me into a depression.

Needless to say, 2022 was extremely difficult. In order to try to find joy I turned to the outdoors. In the past the outdoors always brought me great happiness and lifted my spirits. When the outdoors was not bringing me joy, I knew it was bad. I sought out more advanced help from my doctor. Learning that was normal to feel unhappy and heavy-hearted with my parents’ situation helped me to realize that this is something that I will gradually overcome. Some days there is a real struggle to find the desire to do the things I previously enjoyed. Today it is beautiful outside, I should be hiking! But I found myself going back to bed, making an excuse for why I could not possibly go hiking today…. it’s muddy because it rained yesterday. Mud NEVER stopped me before! But yet, here I am looking out the window at the sun shining and getting my words out instead of my boots on.

Someone told me that it is okay to find joy while grieving. Because that is what I am doing. Grieving the life my parents used to enjoy, grieving the loss of the relationship I had with my mom and dad, grieving the loss of their independence, grieving the loss of the life I remember with them. I am also grieving the loss of the person I was before all this occurred.

I am hopeful that I will find complete joy again. For now, I will settle for the joyous moments I find in my life that embrace my heart that pumps the blood to the smile on my face. For those are moments are coming closer and closer together.

If you think you may suffer from depression, I encourage you to seek help from a trusted friend and or a medical professional.

Déjà vu All Over Again

Lately I have been reminiscing about the events of the past year. Specifically, my postponed Appalachian Trail thru hike attempt. A year ago I was depressed that the pandemic had sidelined me but then I decided to complete the Western New York Summer Hiking Challenge as fast as I could. Last year, I was so angry about losing my six month hike that I completed all the trails necessary for the challenge within a couple weeks and I was the first challenger to finish all the trails. I hiked away the anger and most of the depression.

This year, my thru hike was postponed again. Not by the pandemic but by a beautiful new grandson born on March 3rd. He’s the light of my eye and I could never leave him for six months when he is so little. My son and his wife appreciate me being available to help with him, too. So, here I am again another Spring watching hikers leave to begin their thru hike journeys. I must say I am not angry or depressed this year at all. I know my time will come.

In the short term there are other trails to hike! Again this year Outside Chronicles put together a Western New York Hiking Challenge. Being first to finish the challenge last year was exciting for me. It gave me a goal and a purpose and bragging rights. This year, I had to retain my crown. Signing up for the challenge costs $20 for an individual (you can even register your pet!) and you get a packet of maps and thorough instructions. In order to complete the challenge you must complete 20 out of 32 trails. There are four sections of Western New York with 8 trails in each section. You must complete five trails out of each section. On each trail there is a landmark where you take a selfie to submit to the challenge website in order for the trail to be marked completed. When you finish the challenge you will receive a patch and sticker. Outside Chronicles also donates all profits to different causes. The Winter Challenge raised $36,000 which was donated to Beaver Meadow Audubon Center.

This new Western New York Hiking Challenge will directly benefit the Finger Lakes Trail Conference and the Western New York Land Conservancy. Definitely check out the links above for further information.

The WNY Hiking Challenge started on March 21 and runs until November 19, 2021. So, on Sunday, March 21 I began my first to finish attempt. Now, I really didn’t know if anyone else was even trying to finish first, I just knew that there were A LOT more challengers this year than last year. So, I decided I would try to hike five hikes a day for four days. In a row. I never thought of myself as competitive, but apparently I am as soon as I put on my hiking shoes.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

I wanted a grand start so I began my journey in the dark and drove to Golden Hill State Park to see the sunrise. It did not disappoint!

Royalton Ravines was next.

Next up Lockport Nature Trail, Bond Lake and Art Park.

Then I still had a little bit of adrenaline so I went to Tifft Farm.

It was cool how I started the day at Lake Ontario and ended at Lake Erie.

15.3 miles.

I went home, had a hot bath, put bio freeze on my legs and slept like a log.

Monday, March 22, 2021

I woke up before dawn again and saw the sunrise at Knox Farm State Park. I have been here many times so I took trails and turns that I haven’t done in the past. I found a deer leg and I used a stick to push it into the brush so an innocent child wouldn’t see it, then I decided to put it right here in my pictures. hahaha! Then I drove to Emery Park and enjoyed the waterfalls there. This was a beautiful hike. After, I met my friend Barb at 18 Mile Creek where we picked up trash including a poopy waterlogged diaper. Gross. Then Barb joined me at Franklin Gulf, too. I have to add that it was wonderful weather. Cold in the morning, but by the afternoon I was in short sleeves. We stopped at Rayzor’s Dawg House in Eden for a bite to eat. Highly recommend!

I started feeling silly. Snapchat makes me laugh!

As I was driving home I realized there was still some daylight left so I visited Iroquois National Wildlife Refuge. It was sunset and so peaceful. It was a wonderful way to end the day.

16.1 miles

I went home, had a hot bath, put Biofreeze on my legs and slept like a log.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

I woke up again in the dark trying to get to Sprague Brook mound before sunrise. I missed the best part by a few minutes. I absolutely loved this hike. There was a lot of snow still on the trails. I realize now I didn’t take very many pictures because I was cold and tired this morning.

This day was a big driving day. I think I put 150 miles on my car or something outrageous like that. The next park was Chestnut Ridge. I love this hike. There were some sketchy sections with ice and snow still covering some of the narrow paths on the ravines. One false move and splat. Hiking solo I tend to talk to myself sometimes. As I was tediously picking each step on the ice I repeated to myself, “You are brave. You are careful. You will not fall. You will be okay.” It helps me to say positive things to myself when I am worried.

Then I drove all the way over to Genesee County Forest. What a beautiful back country drive.

Then I met my friend Barb again at Beaver Meadow Audubon Center. We explored trails and found a dead deer right off the trail. RIP.

I met my husband at the house around 5:30 and we scooted over to Reinstein Woods Nature Preserve. He likes to hike the more level trails with me.

16.3 miles

Once I was home I went into overdrive. Wednesday would be my last day. I planned it out that I would spend the night at Eastside Overland Trail to end my challenge hikes. All my backpacking gear is organized, so it only took about an hour to make sure my backpack was ready. I took a hot bath and applied the Biofreeze. When I woke up my phone had a message from my son. My grandson had kept them both up again and they were desperate for some sleep and asked if I could help. I couldn’t say no. I spent the entire day Wednesday being the best Nana I could be. I didn’t miss the trail at all!

Thursday, March 25, 2021

I woke up early Thursday, but not soon enough to see the sunrise on the trail. I decided to start my day at Eastside Overland Trail. It seems like this is a party place and I picked up quite a bit of litter. There was even a burned t-shirt. I hope the person wasn’t in it when it was on fire. One of the important signs indicating a turn off the snowmobile trail into the woods leading to the lean to trail was chopped down and burned as well. If you hike this, make sure you are paying attention.

Now onto the Zoar Valley trifecta. Deer Lick, Valentine’s Flats and Holcomb Pond. This was going to test me for sure. I had a little drive to get to Deer Lick so I drank water and ate some food. No one was at the parking lot when I got to Deer Lick. This is one of my favorite hikes – I sure do say that a lot!

Zoar Valley Valentine Flats is always beautiful. So peaceful before all the crowds start visiting in the summer. I did not climb the pyramid because I was hiking solo and I was already tired and didn’t want to push my luck.

To read a little history of the Thomas Dutton grave, click here.

For my last stop at Holcomb Ponds – I am not going to lie – I was tired. I set off from the parking lot and made my way through the beauty. I forgot about being tired and just took my time and enjoyed the fragrance of the forest. I lingered at the challenge landmark spot – it was moved to around the pond a little directly under some glorious pines. I picked up some trash and ate a snack. Just so grateful to be able to do what I love most.

15.4 miles.

If you have any questions about any of the trails I’ve done, please ask. Most of the trails were frozen, icy and or snowy, but I’m guessing that will change or already has. I hope to meet you on the trails. I have a few more to go to finish all the trails on the challenge! But for now, I can retain my first finisher title!

I used the Avenza app to help me navigate some of the trails. Outside Chronicles has a great tutorial on how to use the app, here. I also used our town printer – Alden Advertiser – to print the maps in color. It only cost $10.00, a heck of a lot cheaper than using up my color ink cartridge on my home printer. One other note, I found that some of the mileage on the maps provided were slightly more or less than my calculations. Just keep that in mind when you hike the trails. The most important part of my success though was my husband, Dave, he supported me, cheered me on, applied the Biofreeze and even walked a trail with me. Thanks, honey. And a special thanks to Outside Chronicles, Mike Radomski.

Happy trails.

Here are a few extra photos.

Biding my time until Plan A.

Welcome to 2021.

Here we have a whole new year full of opportunities to capture our dreams and follow our hearts. Let’s GOOOOOOO!

This article may be all over the place, so bear with me, please. First of all, I want to say, I am one of the very few people that did NOT want 2020 to end. With 2020 ending it meant my name, Trailchaser2020 becomes kind of dumb. What was I thinking naming this blog that? Anyway. Also 2020 was supposed to be the year I completed the Appalachian Trail and well, we know that didn’t happen. Whaa Whaa.

Here’s what I look like when I don’t get what I want.

I know, I know….I did do A LOT of hiking in 2020. I think I jinxed myself by naming this blog Trailchaser2020. I ended up not just chasing one trail in 2020, but 100’s of trails. I averaged 3.5 miles a day of hiking for 2020 according to my iphone tracker. The accuracy is to be determined, but I can honestly say I hiked over 1,000 miles in 2020. Not too shabby. It’s not the 2,193 miles I was hoping for, but I’ll take it.

When you make your Plan A, you should have a Plan B. A back up. I didn’t have that. I still don’t have that. My ONLY plan is to thru hike the Appalachian Trail. My pack is just waiting for the right time. This year the Appalachian Trail Conservancy is again asking hikers to postpone their thru hikes due to Covid. Would that have stopped me this year? Probably not. I understand the risks better and know how the trail community is adjusting to Covid to protect everyone. I would have totally hit the trail in March this year.

BUT! My son and daughter-in-law have blessed me and our family with the addition of my first grandbaby due in March 2021. There is NO trail in the WORLD that would tear me away from spending the first year with my grandbaby. I just couldn’t imagine spending six months away from him while I hike. Babies grow too fast and I don’t want to miss it! So my Appalachian Trail thru hike will wait for me and I will dip my boots here and there on the AT this spring and summer. ( I will be patient, I will be patient, I will be patient.)

Some of the hikes I already have in the books for 2021 are Hocking Hills State Park in Ohio. If you haven’t been, you must. Seriously, go right now. Read the rest of this later. It is stunning. My next article will be all about it because I have a lot to share. Here’s some sneak peek pictures.

Some other hikes in the works are section hiking the Conservation Trail in New York, Cranberry 50 in the fall, and two or three hikes on the Appalachian Trail. I have a lot to look forward to this year.

So, please wear your mask, get the vaccine if you can, wash your hands and last but not least, Take a HIKE!

Who am I?

I love the crocheted hat my sister made me. I especially love the star sewn on. It could be a hint to a secret identity!

The first time I identified myself I knew I was a girl and then I knew I was a daughter. Then I was also a sister, and then a cousin. Then a friend, then a best friend, then a student…I kept adding ways to identify myself. I’ve been thinking about this for a long time. As we get older we continue to add to our identity. As I grew up, I added girlfriend, wife, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, mother, aunt, ex-wife, then wife again, step-mother and mother-in-law. Soon I will add an amazing new identity, Nana (aka Grandmother)! Not only do I identify myself by my relationships, but also by my hobbies. I identify as a hiker, paper crafter, rock painter, writer, cook, traveler, dreamer. Don’t forget about work identities. Too many to name!

All of those identities make me who I am today. There are more I haven’t mentioned and more that will come that I don’t even know about yet! If I took just one of those identities away I would no longer be exactly who I am. Most of those identities were automatic. I became that person without thought, like being a girl, daughter, sister…it was natural for me to be those things. I love finding new ways to identify myself now. Especially through my hobbies. My favorite hobby is hiking and meeting new friends on the trail.

Stella at Tifft Nature Preserve

Recently I met a fabulous being named Stella T. Rex while hiking. I was on a challenge trail hiking it for the second time and it’s hard not to notice a giant T-Rex on the trail. She was a little terrifying at first, but then I was intrigued by her confidence. She is tall and has a toothy grin which can put people off and I’m really glad she didn’t take a bite out of me! She recognized me from my posts on the Facebook page for the WNY Hiking Challenge and Stella roared in my ear that she wouldn’t mind getting her own patch and sticker for completing the challenge. How could I resist? I had to help Stella. I also wanted to get to know her better and discover her other identities! Stella T. Rex became a bit of a celebrity hiker. People either loved her or ran from her!

Other WNY Hiking Challengers asked to hike with her and wanted to be her friend on Facebook. She even has an Instagram, although she admits she never really got the hang of it. You can’t teach an old dino new tricks apparently. She was pretty popular and I was a little jealous how quickly she could make friends, it’s harder for me. Stella brought joy to others just by being.

I told Stella about my blog and asked if I could write a story about her. She was nervous but graciously said yes and provided these photos. She also swore me to secrecy! There’s only so much I can divulge! So, on a rainy day, I sat down with Stella over lunch (I made sure to feed her well!) and asked her a few questions. She was shy at first, which surprised me. She’s always so outgoing on our hikes! Once she opened up, she became alive with excitement of being the one that created so many smiles this summer. Stella T. Rex explained that she was hoping to spread joy to others during such a dreary year full of anxiety and fear. She knew that just by being silly and fun others would follow along and be silly and fun too. Stella rocked out those trails. Sometimes she traveled alone to the landmarks and her little T-Rex arms weren’t long enough for selfies. Other times she had an entourage of fans accompanying her. She liked that best she says. The more the merrier on a hike! Although, she said pensively, there were times the quiet solitude of a solo hike was magical. Stella expressed gratitude to the challengers that hiked with her. She loves meeting new friends, but she knows she can be a pain to hike with (literally). She apologized for complaining and whining when the trails were steep, her stubby legs couldn’t always keep up. Also she’s sorry for when she was hungry and made a snack out of a few hikers. She is a wild t-rex after all. When Stella completed the 20 trails for the challenge, she didn’t stop there, oh no! She kept hiking to complete all 34 trails on the list.

Stella received her coveted completion patch and stickers in the mail in late October.

I asked Stella what plans she had for hiking now that the challenge has been completed. Stella reminded me that Outside Chronicles is holding a Winter Hiking Challenge https://outsidechronicles.com/winter starting next month. She is also looking forward to helping some of her new friends complete their hiking challenge still this fall. She remains busy and is loving the cooler weather.

I wish I could tell you what other identities Stella T. Rex has, but she’s not ready to share just yet. She’s happy being a friend, smile maker and hiking partner. She wanted me to tell you to follow her adventures so look her up on Facebook!

Just an FYI, if you want to hike with Stella, make sure you bring good snacks or you will become the snack!

Happy Trails and Stella says, “RRRRRRRAAAAAAWWWWWRRRRR!!!!”

White Blaze, Baby!

White blazes mark the path of the Appalachian Trail. You can find them on trees, rocks, telephone poles, the road, guard rails, on buildings and more. When I see a white blaze my heart skips a beat and my mood instantly improves. I couldn’t get to the Appalachian Trail white blaze this year so I found another trail with a white blaze. The Finger Lakes Trail.

I’ll take any white blaze I can get!

Most of this next paragraph is shamelessly stolen from the FLTC webpage. The Finger Lakes Trail System includes the main Finger Lakes Trail (FLT) that is routed from the Pennsylvania-New York border in Allegany State Park to the Long Path in the Catskill Forest Preserve. The main FLT is 580 miles long. There are six branch trails (I just completed the Letchworth State Park Branch Trail on August 22) and 29 loop trails and spur trails that extend from the main FLT. All of the branch, loop and spur trails currently total 412 miles. So that means all together the Finger Lakes Trail System offers 1,000 miles of hiking. I better get my boots on!

So I did! Well, I wear Altra trail runners not boots, but I put them on last week and packed my backpack for a 55ish mile week long journey on the Finger Lakes Trail. My good friend, Jim (who was also supposed to complete the Appalachian Trail this year, but couldn’t) and I took separate cars and we met at the east end of Robert Treman State Park at a trail head where the FLT meets a parking lot. We left my car there and took his truck to the FLT trail head near Todd Road. This is where Jim calculated we would be by mid-week and would need a food (and whiskey) re-supply. We hiked in about a half mile near a bivouac site and hung the bear bag. We both prayed that it wouldn’t be messed with by people or animals. At this point we drove the rest of the way past Watkins Glen State Park to Sugar Hill State Forest for our first night on trail. My nerves were rattling.

First night accommodations. Sugar Hill State Forest.

The next couple of days we walked through the town of Watkins Glen and Watkins Glen State Park. We enjoyed a fabulous apple donut at Tobey’s Donut Shop as the FLT passes right by the front door!

This section had some insane uphill road walks. We kept at it though and Jim fed me Jolly Ranchers to motivate me. I sang him songs to motivate him but I think that just made him hike faster to get away from me. So many road walks….

The trail was beautiful no matter where we were. Even the road walks took us past pastures of cows, hay fields, and views of the mountains around us. I highly recommend purchasing the FLT maps. There were times we didn’t think it provided enough information about water sources and bivouac sites, but they were helpful with some descriptions so we knew what to look forward to. Jim and I referred to the map a lot! Sometimes as a distraction from being out of breath or sometimes because we couldn’t find a turn. One section of trail would have blazes on every other tree and another section would be lacking blazes at crucial turns. Luckily we were never lost, just not exactly on the trail, haha!

We made it to the resupply bear hang we left and were relieved that it was exactly as we left it. At this bivouac site there was a ravine that had a beautiful creek running through it. We took time here to wash up. I couldn’t remember the last time I went swimming in the creek, but now I can. The water was cold but so refreshing and it felt so good to be sort of clean! Unfortunately, the feeling of clean didn’t last long.

We were glad to meet some super nice people on trail. One stand out is, Asha. She is 27 years old and is hiking 40 days on the FLT with no particular agenda. Her pack was bigger than she was! We spent a couple nights at the same campsites together, but she was faster than us. She said that her mentor was bringing her a resupply from Watkins Glen and we told her about the amazing donut we had. A day later as Jim and I were trudging on a snowmobile path (instead of the correct FLT path) we heard our names being called. We bushwhacked to the actual trail and found Asha walking toward us with a paper bag. Yes, she asked her mentor to bring us apple donuts and Asha had waited for us to pass by so she could give them to us. It was a definite highlight of our trip!

After a couple really long days, Jim and I revamped our mileage for the last few days of our trip. Jim had factored in a “zero day” mid week. A zero day is when you don’t hike at all that day. We were just going to stay at the camp and rest, but we took that day and hiked six miles to the next shelter in order to have smaller mileage days until we finished. It is so important to be flexible with your plans. I am so glad we did it this way and I think Jim was too. We had less stress and we were able to get to our campsites earlier in the afternoon each day so we could take a nap, get cleaned up, do laundry, filter water and relax.

One of favorite days on trail was our last full day. We hiked up to the Locust Lean To which is just before Robert Treman State Park. This shelter is new and has a solar charger for your devices. It also has incredible views! We met some other campers here and enjoyed the company. We were able to set up our tents to overlook the view so we could see the sun rise from our tents. It was amazing.

Our last day was about six miles through Robert Treman State Park. It was mostly down hill. As we got closer to the park we saw more and more people. We made it to the Sierra Shelter and had a little snack here then walked the one mile left to my car. We then had to drive to the beginning at Sugar Hill State Forest to get Jim’s truck.

If I could do anything over again, I would bring a notebook to write memories down. I don’t like using my phone to keep notes. I would also take more baby wipes and whiskey. You know, the important things…

Bonus pictures of random things on the trail.

All Done.

For Now.

True Grit

About a month ago I became aware of the Gritty Soldier – March for a Purpose Challenge. This challenge is to help bring awareness to the tragedy of veteran suicide. Studies have shown that an average of 22 veterans take their own lives every day. EVERY DAY! I don’t consider myself a veteran, but I was in the Air Force for a short time before an injury sent me home from boot camp. Many of my family and friends are veterans or are still members of the military. I pledge to be there for them or anyone who may need a listening ear or helping hand.

You don’t have to be a military person to be a soldier or be gritty. A soldier has courage and audacity. A person with true grit has passion and perseverance. They set goals and those are followed through. They work hard and don’t back down from a commitment. There have been a couple times in my life where I didn’t feel like a gritty soldier. I felt hopeless, lost, discouraged. Luckily, I’ve been blessed with supportive parents, siblings, children, family and friends that have knowingly or unknowingly helped me through difficult times in my life.

The March for a Purpose challenges participants to walk, run, hike or ruck 22 miles on August 22. Guess, what I chose? When I decided to accept this challenge I knew it wouldn’t be a “walk in the park.” I needed a good hiking buddy for real support and encouragement that I knew I would need on this difficult hike. Someone I could trust and someone who wouldn’t let me quit. I invited my good friend James Nagel aka Silver Fox aka Squeaker (sorry, not sorry, Jim) to accept this huge challenge. I’m grateful he was on board the moment I asked.

Jim and I planned and researched the trail for this hike a few weeks in advance. We decided on hiking the Letchworth State Park Branch Trail of the Finger Lakes Trail. We knew it was about 22 miles long from end to end so it was a perfect fit. There are two shelters along the trail and access (or bail out) points as well. Unfortunately, the shelters were reserved, so we studied the maps again and found a shelter on the main Finger Lakes Trail just south of Letchworth State Park. The Hesse lean to had the roof damaged by a fallen tree last year but, just had some major repairs made to the roof by a volunteer crew of trail maintainers. In fact, they installed a privy, new fire ring and wood shed. It was like the Shangri La of trail shelters. So Jim and I made plans to stay overnight at the Hesse lean to before driving to our chosen access point near the Parade Grounds in Letchworth State Park. On the Friday before our hike my girlfriend and I stashed a gallon of water on the trail for Jim and I to recover the following day. The weather has been so hot and rain free the water in the creeks were unreliable. This helped us not to worry about our water supply and we were able to stay completely hydrated the entire hike.

Carrying just our day packs filled with water and food and the ten essentials we started out at the crack of dawn. We were excited at the prospect of completing the challenge, but knew it was going to be hard.

Just like our lives the trail had many ups and downs. So many. The conversations we had revolved around our favorite books we read when we were children, our favorite movies, and me singing songs by John Denver and the Sound of Music. Sorry again, Jim. We picked a cool waterless creek in a ravine to eat our lunch and rest. We removed our shoes and compared how dirty our toes were. We had hiked 12 miles by 12:30. Over half way!

The second half of our hike was more of the same except the sun was hotter. The pines of the forest offered a hint of relief, but we still dipped our bandannas in whatever finger deep water we could find along the way to keep our heads cool. Jim offered me Jolly Ranchers and Skittles to keep me motivated. It worked. I’m a sucker for sugar. We stopped for dinner at the second shelter on the trail. This shelter had a nice picnic table so we sat for about 45 minutes to really recover. I was glad to eat in order to lighten my pack load.

I’m not going to lie or sugar coat it though, the miles between 16 and 22 were brutal for me. Each time I had a doubt about being able to finish, I put one foot in front of the other and Jim and I talked about the sacrifices of our American soldiers, and their families. We reminded ourselves that our freedom in this beautiful country came at a cost to them. After mile 22 we knew the trail was about to end, or so we thought. I had parked my car at the end so we had to keep going.

I’m here to tell you that the Letchworth Branch Trail of the Finger Lakes Trail is 24.5 miles according to my Strava app. I sang a song those final 2.5 miles.

This is the trail that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend. Some hikers started walking it, not knowing where it goes, and they’ll continue hiking it forever just because…This is the trail that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friend…..

sung to the tune of “This is the Song that Never Ends.”

The last 2.5 miles I felt like I had the runner’s high. I knew the challenge was almost over and I knew we were going to be successful. After not seeing any wildlife except for squirrels, chipmunks and a dinosaur, we finally saw a doe and her fawn cross the trail. It was a perfect ending to the hike. And then BANG, we were finished, done and right as the sun was setting. I teased Jim about going another 1.5 miles to complete a marathon. That was a hard NO from him! I was relieved.

Perfect Finish

I am so grateful to be able to spend this time just loving nature and feeding my soul.

Happy trails to you, my friends. Bless our military veterans and those currently serving. Thank you from the bottom of heart.

What makes you happy?

During the last couple months I’ve had time to think about and discover what does and does not make me happy.  In my last post waaaayyyy back in April I talked about setting goals that I could achieve since the Appalachian Trail was off the table.  So, I was the first challenger (out of about 700 people) to complete the Western New York Hiking Challenge, hiking 20 of the 34 trails in the challenge.  I had eluded to completing the entire 34 trails in the challenge and I’m happy to say, I was the first challenger to complete all 34 trails!  Here are just a few highlights from some of the final trails I hiked or not, because I can’t remember which trails I did when.  Just enjoy the pictures.

That wasn’t all though.  Since then a few of my friends have signed up for the challenge and I’ve been “guiding” them on the trails.  I use the term “guide” loosely since I hike so slow I let them lead!  It’s been great fun watching them achieve their goals and makes me happy I can be part of it.  One of my favorites was the Holland Ravine section of the Finger Lakes Trail.

A few pictures of that, because my mother likes to see the photos.


So, yes, that makes me happy, but is that all?  Recently I completed the FREE online Yale course “The Science of Well-Being” that taught me I don’t need nearly the amount of things I thought in order to be truly happy.  Taking that course helped me see very clearly that helping others and setting goals makes me a happy girl!  One of the best parts of this course was that I joined a group of women led by my AT trail angel, Alys, on Zoom every week to discuss the course materials.  The women I met were so amazing and insightful. Also I’ve never completed college, so it felt AWESOME to complete a YALE college course!

Yale certificate

After discovering that I thrive on goal setting I wanted to keep accomplishing things.  Early this year I made a good friend, Jim, who was to be on the Appalachian Trail this year too.  He lives nearby so we have been hiking together to stay in trail shape.  We recently hiked the 22 miles of the North Country Trail through the Allegany State Park over a three day weekend.

We started by staging my car at the end of the trail then drove his truck to the beginning of our hike.  The trail began in Pennsylvania and I didn’t even realize it until I saw the trail sign that we were entering New York.  I guess I should have paid more attention to where we were driving, I was just too excited to get there.  My pack was just over 30 pounds and the first section of trail was all uphill.  Lucky for me, Jim is kind and let me lead us slowly up the incline.  Along the way we spotted a few doe with their fawns.  We stopped for a break halfway up the hill and after the break I felt much better and we eventually made it 7 miles to the Willis Creek lean-to.  Unfortunately it was full and there were two tents already set up nearby.  We decided to keep hiking to the next campsite, but again, lucky for me, Jim spotted a flat spot and fire ring on the other side of Willis Creek and we gratefully made it home for the night. Jim carried in steaks for dinner and I brought the cheesy potatoes and brownies.  There was only one minor fail.  Jim tried to make bannocks.  I’ve never had them before so I was intrigued.  Unfortunately we never could get them to bake well and they were a little doughy or burnt.  We put honey on them and that only made them marginally better.  It was a learning experience and we will try again! The steaks and potatoes were amazing though!  We ate well Friday night!

Saturday was our long day, we took our time getting on trail though, enjoying a morning campfire.  Our destination for lunch was the Stoney Creek lean-to.  The trail was incredible.  So lush and green.  The weather was perfect for hiking.  There was just enough of a challenge to keep me breathing hard most of the way.  We eventually reached the Stoney Brook lean-to where there was an outhouse and spring nearby.  It would have been a great place to stay, but we were only having lunch.  After refilling our water and filtering we hiked off and it felt like forever until we finally saw the Beck Hollow shelter.  Dinner on Saturday was not as glamorous, but we did enjoy having a fire and some drinks.  Not that we needed anything to help us sleep, we were tired!

Waking up on Sunday, Jim and I were both sad our adventure was coming to an end.  We enjoyed a celebratory bloody mary and another morning campfire for a little while until we finally trekked out the two or so miles to my waiting car.  FYI, if you are staging a car anywhere in Allegany State Park, tell the park police.  You want to make sure they don’t tow away your car if it looks abandoned.  Lucky again, the officers assumed I was hiking and just left me a voicemail asking me to let them know I was okay.

This two night backpacking trip helped me achieve another two goals I had set.  I had signed up for the North Country Trail 100 challenge and the Finger Lakes Trail 50 challenge.  Lucky for me the Finger Lakes Trail is the North Country Trail in New York so with this hike (and a few other hikes not mentioned here) I was able to complete both the NCT100 challenge and the FLT50 challenge.  I have already received the FLT50 patch and sticker in the mail!  I love the design. Click those links above to sign up (it’s FREE).


These wonderful, happy things in my life are happening because of Covid preventing me from hiking the Appalachian Trail this year and of course, my incredibly patient, kind, understanding husband is always encouraging me to hike.  I’ve been able to meet incredible women and men that enjoy the outdoors as much as I do and the summer is just beginning!  The longer COVID goes, the less I think about where I was “supposed” to be this year and the more grateful I become for where I am.
Now to set some new goals!  Tell me what goals you have for yourself this summer.  Let’s go hike!

Happy Trails!

Bonus picture of my mom at Letchworth State Park, just because she is beautiful and amazing! I hope I grow up to be just like her!


Never Gonna Give Up

A few weeks ago I was preparing my gear for my thru-hike, minding my own business and dreaming of spending the next six months in the company of nature.  Then, kind of out of nowhere, the Covid-19 pandemic hit the United States.  My brain was frantic, I was going, I wasn’t going, I was going, I wasn’t going….  Ultimately, you know I chose to delay my thru-hike.  It was the wisest and safest decision for me and my family.  But, wow.  I was disappointed!


There is usually a time in everyone’s life when we work toward a goal.  We study to pass a test, diet to lose 10 pounds, save money for a house, etc…  Sometimes we achieve our goal, but sometimes that goal gets shifted.  That test you studied for led you to a new goal of a doctoral presentation, you now need to lose 15 pounds, that money you were saving for a house is now paying for your car repairs.  Well, my goal of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail has shifted.  Don’t get all nervous….it’s still my big picture and ultimate goal!  Right now that goal just isn’t reasonable in the next few months due to the Covid-19 pandemic.

In the past, I have always been so afraid to set a goal.  As soon as I set a goal, something usually sidetracks me and derails my progress (usually my inner fear).  I wrote about some of that fear in one of my past articles. Stand Still and Use Your Inner Compass This time, my goal was thwarted by something completely out of my control.  I had to find a new goal that I could control. Something that could direct me away from the disappointment I was feeling about not starting my thru hike.

Last year I completed the Allegany 18 Challenge You win some. You lose some.  and then the Western New York Winter Hiking Challenge and I remembered there was a NEW Western New York Hiking Challenge posted by Outside Chronicles.  The challenge asked you to complete 20 trails out of 32 (plus 2 bonus hikes).  I immediately clung to the goal of completing the challenge, telling only a few select friends that I wanted to be the first to complete it.

While hiking the trails of the challenge I savored every minute. There were bridges to cross or go under, trees climbed, muddy trails, waterfalls, abandoned ruins, a cemetery, a lighthouse, rusty things left in the forest, dog kisses, very interesting statues, big rocks, little rocks, amazing views, random signs, a snake’s nest, birds eating out of my hand and nature galore.

These photos are just some of the highlights:


I didn’t care when the trail was muddy, I didn’t care when it was cloudy, I didn’t care when it was raining.  I hiked up hill, I hiked down hill, I hiked the road, I hiked it all.  My friends hiked with me sometimes (keeping the proper social distance), they all helped me reach my new goal by encouraging me, keeping me laughing and pushing me up the hills.  And guess what?  I managed to be the first to complete the challenge. Go me!


Now, that only means I completed 20 trails and there are 32 plus 2 bonus hikes…sooooo, you know what my next goal is then, don’t you?

If you would like to enter the hiking challenge, please visit Outside Chronicles WNY Hiking Challenge.  We have all summer and fall to complete the challenge!  Join me!

Happy Trails!

@#!% – not a typo.

March 21, 2020!  The day has finally arrived!  I flew from Buffalo to Atlanta super early this morning.  Dave rented a car and drove us to the Amicalola Falls State Park. It’s 54 degrees and cloudy.  It’s a perfect day to begin my journey of thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail.  My pack weighs 30 pounds and I am full of excitement, adrenaline and nervousness.  My plan is to climb the 604 stairs to the top of Amicalola Falls and then spend the night at the cushy Amicalola Lodge with my husband.  In the morning, I will have a delicious breakfast and continue my hike on the approach trail 8 miles up to the top of Springer Mountain which is the official start of the Appalachian Trail.



Yeah, that didn’t happen.

Thanks to a wee invisible beastie (yes, I quoted Jamie Fraser Outlander fans!) called Coronovirus our amazing country is grinding to a halt.  People everywhere are contracting the virus and it is spreading, making them very, very ill and killing people.  REI is closed, restaurants are take out only, you can’t socialize in groups, toilet paper and cleaning supplies are sold out at every store.  In my mind, I was so glad to begin my hike away from the outbreak.  Alas, more areas in the south and along the trail were closing.  And the situation along the trail is just like the situation at home.  The restaurants and bars were shut down except for take out.  Hostels along the trail were closing.  It is recommended you create a 6 foot distance between you and others – called social distancing.  My hike was changing rapidly.  I started to plan out where to send resupply boxes so I wouldn’t need to rely on trail towns for food and toilet paper.  Dave and I decided that I would fly down alone to the trail head so he would be put at less risk of contracting the virus.

Then I realized….this hike is not the hike I had been dreaming about since I was a teenager.  I dreamed of sitting among other hikers around a fire, making dinner at the shelter with others close by, meeting my “tramily” in towns and enjoying a burger and beer at a the best places along the trail.  I dreamed of carefree, worry-free hiking day after day.  Stopping for rests only when I felt like it and if the mood struck me.  I would walk into trail towns and resupply everything I needed.  I would go to hostels and meet the most interesting people.  And Trail Days!  Trail Days is a festival in mid-May in Damascus, Virginia.  Dave would meet me there and we’d party for three days and I would walk in the Hiker Parade.  Trail Days is cancelled this year.

So, I am officially postponing my hike.

However, if things change, I will section hike this year.  Am I disappointed?  Of course.  But I will be better prepared to start my thru hike next year.  Some of the hikers on the trail now have traveled from other countries only to have to return home without reaching Katahdin.  Some people left jobs and homes to start their hike.  Now they are jobless and homeless.  Plans are ripped up and shredded. That being said, there are still hikers on the trail. They are committed and I support their decision to stay on trail and fight for Katahdin.  I know there are trail angels and limited support from open outfitters and hostels.  They are hiking their own hike and if I had already been on the trail when this started, I probably would have held on to the trail until officials closed them.  As of now, the AT is closed through PA, CT and NJ. 

I don’t want people to feel sorry for me.  I have the opportunity to continue preparing for my thru hike next year.  I’ll have more hiking under my belt.  I’ll do some longer overnights – nearby and taking all my food, so I don’t need resupply in towns.  Then next year, I’ll be all the more ready to tackle the 2,193 miles.  I will be rethinking how I start my hike next year, but more on that later.

For now.

patience (1)

And the  WNY Hiking Challenge  – 32 trails for 2020 instead of just 1.

Well, after I spend just today doing this:


and feeling sorry for myself.

Stay safe everyone and for God’s sake, WASH YOUR HANDS!



The Countdown is On!


I can’t believe it.  Am I dreaming?  Is this real life?

joyce snow

In 33 days I will embark on a life long dream to thru-hike the Appalachian Trail.  My palms are sweaty, my stomach is doing flips, and my brain is swirling with last-minute details.  I am in control of my nerves.  My nerves do not control me.  It’s been an incredible journey just getting this far.

There have been a million little things in the last few months that I’ve done to prepare.  I’ve been watching some really informative videos created by successful thru-hikers.  They have given me ideas on the type of gear to bring, how to put up my new tent, what food to bring, how to hang a bear bag, how to stretch your muscles after a long day, the best hostels to stay in and views not to miss on the trail.  I especially appreciate the videos on where to find the best hamburger and beer on the trail.  You know, the important stuff.

I took a minute or two (okay about an hour) to review some of my past articles.  Just to remind myself just how far I’ve come.  Sometimes I feel like a completely different person wrote those articles from way back in the beginning.  That girl had no idea what she was doing and I’m afraid I don’t know much more than that now!  One thing I know now is that I can ASK QUESTIONS.  Find someone who looks friendly and ask for help.  The hiking community is filled with generous, kind people who are eager to help and teach.  Thank goodness!

One of my most fond memories was my very first overnight backpacking trip with my friend Shelly.  I felt so bad for Shelly re-reading this.  I really was a whiner!  My article all about it is here: No Choice, Joyce.  Definitely one of my favorite articles.  Another favorite is my very, very first article.  Somewhere. Sometime.  That girl that wrote that was so excited to start this journey and I am so glad she’s coming with me!

In the last few weeks at home, I will continue to pack and unpack and pack my backpack again and again.  Layout all my items and fine-tune every last one.  How many band-aids do I need?  Should I take two buffs or one?  Do I really need a pillow? (YES!)  I’m making all the decisions with the knowledge that if a piece of my gear isn’t performing the way I’d hoped it would I can always replace or upgrade it at the next outfitter on the trail.  Or better yet, I’ll find what I need in a hiker box.  A hiker box is found in hostels and some shelters.  The box is filled with FREE gear that other hikers have abandoned.  Maybe it was a pair of heavy microspikes or a water filter plunger, or a pair of socks.  You just never know what might appear in a hiker box.  I once left a book in a hiker box.  It was way too heavy to continue carrying, so I left it.  I still don’t know how it ends.

Also in the last few weeks at home, I am going to EAT.   I need to have Bocces pizza and BarBill chicken wings before I go for sure!  And, in the last month or so, I’ve developed a little tendonitis in my ankle so I am going to physical therapy to strengthen my joints and increase my flexibility.

As much as I will enjoy every minute of the good, bad and ugly on the trail, I am going to miss a lot about home.  My bed, my electric blanket, my iPad, my running water, my TOILET!  Above all, I will miss my family and friends. There is decent cell service all along the trail so I plan to keep in touch when I can.  I wish I could squish everyone down and stuff them into my backpack and bring them along!  I created an Instagram account that I am going to try to update every day with a photo. Come with me!  Follow me at @Trailchaser2020.

Happy Trails!